Denise Gutenschwager - aka "Evelyn Smallblader" or "Sweet Potato Clown"


I had the pleasure of meeting and hearing Mrs. Smallbladder at Farm Women’s Symposium this year. Any and all women, especially will relate to this quirkey woman.
Denise brings humor to Michigan children as “Sweet Potato the Clown” doing balloon twisting and face painting for parties, school events or anywhere silly humor is needed.  She also entertains as the sassy senior “Evelyn Smallbladder” with clean menopausal humor for women’s groups and senior groups all over the country.  Evelyn has performed for many fund raisers, church groups Red Hat events, ladies nights, assisted living facilities and hospital events.

You can contact either Evelyn, Sweet Potato or Denise at 
or via her website which is

Please share this to show your support for her and farmers everywhere.


Geoff Brown, Realtor

Katie Dilse