Here we go.
I just got home from baking and was enjoying the peace and quiet for about 10 minutes when son #1 comes in. "Where's the 220 swift? I just saw a coyote."
Being the good mother I am, I dropped everything and for the next 15 minutes looked for the right gun and the right ammo. Finally the gun with matching ammo was found.
I was informed by Son #1 that I would be in big trouble if the need ever arose to use a gun for protection. So with borrowed gun, borrowed boots and borrowed ammo he set out.
Well, the coyote lives for another day.
This picture is of a coyote from 2 summers ago. They are really getting comfortable around here. Piles of rabbit bones, and even deer bones are found regularly. I say the only good coyote is a dead coyote.
The guys are combining corn and the sun is shining - 2 good things in one day. There are 150 acres left to do. So, Mr. Sunshine please stick around.
I hope to continue this blog without too many mistakes. Hope you tag along and enjoy the journey.