Did you hear that? My soapbox just scraped on the ground. I’m getting up on it, hold on a minute.
Our wonderful governor of the state of Michigan, has declared Saturday, March 18, Meatout Day. We are to eat no meat products because she thinks grains and vegetables are more healthy. Hopefully, she will realize the folly of her poor decision and atempt to make ammends. Too little, too late.
Several things about this are wrong. Since when has the governor been a nutritionist? Since when is it the governor’s responsibility to tell people how to eat? I was under the impression she was the governor of all the people in the state of Michigan. How can she, once again, ignore and walk over the farmers in the state? What about the general population that are hunters or just plain meat eaters?
Farming is not an easy job. Every year we hope for a better year. Over the years we farmers have vastly improved our production efficiency. In the 1940s a farmer was efficient by feeding around 19 people. Now, we feed around 144. We have to remain competitive in the world's market place. In America, we consumers spend about 10% of our income on food where as China can spend 25% or so. So, how does our governor show her appreciation? She tells everyone to turn their back on our businesses.
Not too long ago ABC News (Always Biased Crap) did a peice on poor dairy procedures. They searched and searched until they found a farm with deplorable conditions and practices. Their article was 100% against the dairy industry. It is my opinion that the segment was produced with the intention of fooling the public into thinking this was common among all dairies. One of the national dairy magazines posted information about that so called "news piece" on the internet. The news producers also spent four hours on a farm in Pennsylvania that is more likely to be like the majority of dairy farms. There was next to nothing from those four hours included in the segment. Funny how that works isn't it?
I am asking any and all of you that are appreciative of the food you eat or the clothes you wear to support the agricultural community.
If you live in Michigan and choose to eat meat on Saturday, go for it! If I could I would have a truck load of beef delivered to the Capitol steps.
If you live in the Byron Center, MI area, Byron Center Meats is giving away two quarter pound burgers, free while supplies last, Saturday morning.
There, I'm done for now. I'm jumping off the box and putting it away until the next time. Happy Meat Eating.