I would be remiss if I didn’t write about September 11, 2001 today.
Today is the ninth anniversary of the day that this generation’s world changed. Life will never be the same again.
So, how do we live with life changing events? We can choose to stay there, ignore it ever happened, or move on.
It’s my personal belief that we should view 9/11 as a pair of glasses. Glasses are on your face, in front of you, yet you look through them to see. We should always keep the event in front of us, but look through the event, to the future and live on.
To ignore or forget this ever happened would be foolish. There always has been and always will be evil on this earth. What happened nine years ago was horrendous. The lives lost and the families that daily live with that loss should always be valued highly.
We must be diligent and watchful and not fall asleep at the helm. Our children are counting on us to provide a better world for them. I doubt that it will ever get better, but we must hold evil back as far and for as long as we can.
However, we cannot live in fear. We should not be paralyzed, hide in our homes, stay in a place of grief and wither away. We must pick up our lives and move towards the future. Let’s go about our daily life with joy and hopefulness.
Let’s pray daily for our soldiers, fire and police departments, and our political servants. We should go out of our way to thank them.
Today we are looking at the glasses a little more than through them as we remember nine years ago, that’s okay.
Tomorrow is a new day. Clean off your glasses, adjust them so they fit and stay properly on your face.
Enjoy the view ahead.