Welcome to the World

My assignment, which I chose to accept, was to capture a live birth on film. I was determined to catch a live, unassisted birth to share with all my non-farming readers.

When I checked in on the maternity ward there was one mama just starting to get down to business. So, I pulled up a pail, grabbed my book and was ready to wait. And, wait I did. After sitting on the pail for a few hours I did get some footage of a calf being born, but mama had a few issues and needed help in delivering her calf.

I was determined. There was another cow that was in labor and was expected to deliver in a couple of hours after the first one. So, I went home, got a little work done, came back and sat again. This calf took its own sweet time, also. Mama would push a little and make progress and then things would stay pretty much the same. Then she would push a little more and more of the calf would be exposed. It was obvious I wasn't going to get a nice start to finish video that wouldn't last so long you'd need a bag of popcorn to go with it. Which by the way would be pretty gross if I say so myself.

Finally, she made it. I got it on film. I put the camera down shortly afterwards to make sure the calf was breathing and all was good. This was a little boy (bull). Just what we don't want. We want girls (heifer) because making milk is our business. It's not so easy to do with bulls.

So, if you aren't faint of heart, please enjoy the short video.

At Home Where I Am

Just Needed to Share