My cousin has a fabulous blog - Today on her blog is her 5 Minute Friday. The prompt for today is Deep Breath. So, I set the timer and went for 5 minutes. Please disregard grammatical and spelling errors. Here you go:
“A deep breath are you kidding? She’s nuts.” I thought. My childless, not even married councelor doesn’t have a clue. The shoe was dripping puddles around my feet on the bathroom floor. “It’s gonna take more than a deep breath” I thought as I fished the toy car out of the bottom of the toilet.
“Sammy, put those scizzors back, you can NOT cut the cats hair”. Another deep breath as Sammy’s wail starts. The red slash on his cheeks shows the cat could take care of herself.
I thought I heard the front door open and was wondering which child escaped. I turned to head after the slippery sucker when I was shocked to see a strange man standing in my livingroom. Deep breath. “Can I help you?” I stuttered? “I was just bringing back this little girl. She was standing on the side walk with no clothes on and this doll” he stated while never quite making eye contact.
The word “clothes” rattled in my mind and I couldn’t figure out why that one word stuck. I took a step forward and all reality came rushing back in the wind of the open door, as the cool breezes brushed over my barely clad body. I was just a touch closer to being dressed than our horseless Lady Godiva.
My councelor’s advice of a Deep Breath would do nothing for me now.