I am beyond blessed to own and operate a dairy farm. I enjoy the growing seasons, the smells, the sights and sounds. It is a privilege to take care of God’s creation and his critters. As part of the group of men and women who feed the world, the responsibility can be daunting.

We lost 70 acres of alfalfa from this field this year.

There are many 16+ hour days and crummy weather conditions to struggle through. But, the blessings, oh the blessings are infinite. Daily, God shows himself in so many ways.

I thought I might share a few farm facts.

1. Farmland soil erosion has been reduced 43% in 20 years. This has occurred in

part due to crop rotation and no till farming.

2. Since 1970, for every pound of fertilizer we grow 70% more corn.

3. Depending on the crop we are saving 50% - 80% more water.

4. Today there are 6.8 billion people in the world. In 2050, there will be 9.3 billion people.

5. The world’s appetite will double in the next 20 years.

6. From 1970 – 2010 the world population doubled – farm land didn’t. Farmers are using the same amount of land feeding twice as many people.

7. US Farmers provide 18% of the world’s food using 10% of the farmland.

8. In 1950, (either wheat or corn, not sure) we produced 39 bushels an acre. In 2000 we produced 153 bushels per acre. That helped create a 155% cereal increase between 1961 and 2005.

9. From 1987 – 2007 farmers grew 40% more corn, 30% more soybeans and 19% more wheat.

10. In 1940, one farmer produced enough food for 19 people. In 1970, that increased to 73 people and in the year 2010 one farmer fed 155 people.

This last fact amazes me – I read it several times and Son #2 was at a meeting this year and heard it also. By 2050, farmers will have to grow as much food in that year as they have produced since farming began in 10,000BC to meet the demand.

I hope these facts will help all of us to be more thankful for and think of the farmers when we pick up that gallon of milk, box of cereal or even when we pull on the 100% cotton T-shirt.

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