Farmer was mowing the lawn the other day. That in itself is remarkable. I think he’s only mown the lawn a handful of times. I digress. Anyway, as he was mowing the lawn he noticed a piece of twine lying in the grass. He got off the mower to move it. The twine was up in my flowerbed, wrapped around the birdbath draped down the rocks onto the lawn and back into the woodchips. The end of the twine was buried in the woodchips. So he pulled on the twine and out of the woodchips came a calf’s leg that was tied to the twine. That alone startled him a bit. The rattled brain was replaced with “what the heck” mentality. How does one explain a calf’s leg tied to twine and buried in the landscaping. Do we have a bovine God Father? Was someone playing a trick? After considering the possibility of a calf killing, body part burying freak running around the farm he let loose his logical thinking.
When the unexplainable happens around here, we have one source we blame first. Kobe. Our Labrador pony.
He’s been going out at night and not requesting back inside for longer periods of time. We think he is going to the barn for his midnight snacks. Apparently, veal is on his list.
If a calf dies, the guys will tie a twine around its leg and drag it out to the barnyard. So, to reenact the deed done by the doggy, I’m guessing it goes like this.
Kobe leaves the house under the guise of a potty break. He sneaks to the barn by the light of the moon and looks around for any fodder he can find. A dead calf becomes his veal of choice. But, he can’t hide the whole calf, so he gnaws off the leg and carries it home and buries it right beside my flowers. He is a devious critter. But, like the preacher always says, “Be sure your sins will find you out”. He did a great job concealing the leg but the trail behind twine was missed when he was hiding the evidence.
The fact that Farmer found this instead of me proves God wants my blogs to continue. It would be pretty hard to blog from heaven considering I would have had cardiac arrest.
Stay tuned for Surprises Editions 2 – 47.
Kobe and Trixy chillin'. |
When the unexplainable happens around here, we have one source we blame first. Kobe. Our Labrador pony.
Kobe after getting "caught" dipping into the kitty litter box - he has no taste when trying to appease his appetite! |
If a calf dies, the guys will tie a twine around its leg and drag it out to the barnyard. So, to reenact the deed done by the doggy, I’m guessing it goes like this.
Kobe leaves the house under the guise of a potty break. He sneaks to the barn by the light of the moon and looks around for any fodder he can find. A dead calf becomes his veal of choice. But, he can’t hide the whole calf, so he gnaws off the leg and carries it home and buries it right beside my flowers. He is a devious critter. But, like the preacher always says, “Be sure your sins will find you out”. He did a great job concealing the leg but the trail behind twine was missed when he was hiding the evidence.
The fact that Farmer found this instead of me proves God wants my blogs to continue. It would be pretty hard to blog from heaven considering I would have had cardiac arrest.
Stay tuned for Surprises Editions 2 – 47.