Can I Get a Holler?

Raise your hand if you can say “me too” to the following:

At 4:15 AM I found a calf hoof on my back porch.

Any takers? Please let there be at least one more person out there living my life. I need counseling.

My precious, sweet, adorable (all written with clenched teeth) Labrador Pony just had to go out at 4:15 AM. I turned the porch light on and let him out. Through my bleary ticked off eyes I saw this strange object just outside the door.

Being a seasoned “what the heck is that” inspector of scary things, I carefully bent over and nudged it with my foot. It was a hollowed out calf hoof. Apparently, Kobe enjoyed the new found toy on his last foray to the farm and decided to bring it home with him. He sneaks off to the barn when no one is around and gets into all kinds of delicious trouble.

Anyway, it got me thinking about all the treasures I have found at my various doors.

The first gem I found the first year of marriage was a dead woodchuck waiting outside my car door. I was on my way to work and totally freaked out. I was so immature with the whole dead animal thing back then. Our Samoyed apparently wanted to share his prize with me.

On the back porch alone, I have discovered half eaten rabbits, tails to who knows what and whatever was eaten a few hours before. Yes, disgusting. Even Trixy, our cat, gets into the act and leaves dead mice and birds.

Occasionally, live items are found. Like the possum cleaning off our built in grill. Oh yeah, I bleached that puppy (the grill, not the possum) vigorously before using it again.

I have tripped over boots, guns and sleeping goats resting outside the back door. The UPS guy has been responsible for a few near face plants too.

There are fun articles too. I found a plant and card from a young mom that I apparently had encouraged. I find little wigglies assorted clothing, bathing suits and shoes at each entrance. Those belongings make me smile.

One evening, not too long ago, I opened the back door to grab the pair of jeans I had taken off earlier. I left them there to dry off a bit so I could shake the poop and dirt off before washing. As I leaned down to grab them I was met by this cute guy. I’m not really into green, so I shooed him away.

If I pressed my brain a bit harder I could probably pull out some other delicacies from the department “I don’t want to remember that”. But, I figure God gives us that for a reason and why mess with God’s business?

So, my question to you. What fortunes have you found outside your door?

Inspired . . . A Gathering Place

Farm Facts and Quiz 6-13-12