Come on aboard . . . The Mind Over Madi Blog train will soon leave this station!
I am so stinking excited about this. My friend has a published fiction book! It’s sitting on the shelves at the bookstore where I work. I walk by and smile knowing “I know her, the author, I know her well.”
From the first day I met Lynda, she has been nothing but an encourager and cheerleader. After speaking to her for a short fifteen minutes I was convinced to drive across the state with her and a few other gals to a Faith Writers Conference Since then, we have connected on so many levels.
When you find a good thing, you want to share it. So share I will.
Oh, before my interview with Lynda I just have to show you this from page191 from Mind Over Madi. Dad is at my side and he nudges me with his elbow. “Thanks for sneezing on her. I was trying to think of a way to get her out of that dress.” And then on page193 where she writes “So!” I snap everyone back to attention. “What’s going on in there? Is anyone bleeding yet?” I just love this story! You really gotta read it.
Grab a cup of coffee and get situated. Time to get to know my friend, Lynda Lee Scab and about her wonderful new novel Mind Over Madi.
What is Mind over Madi about? Tell us a little about the plot.
Madi McCall is a 38-year-old mom of three whose insecurities are destroying her marriage. When she suspects her husband Rich is cheating with the mother of one of his fourth grade students, she kicks him out of the house and he moves in with his bachelor brother. Madi is then forced to take a deeper look at herself and her insecurities. She does this with the help of a counselor, her best friend Sylvie, and a few cartons of Edy’s Dibs. At a 20-year get-together with former high school classmates, Madi runs into “the other woman” and things come to a head. It’s a lighthearted story about taking a true look at ourselves and accepting God’s grace when we think and do dumb things.
Looking back on all the hard work and time it took to get Mind Over Madi published, was it worth it? And, could you have done something differently to save some time and energy?
There were many times I got so frustrated and impatient that I wanted to give up on this whole writing thing. But now I can see how each of those moments helped me grow as a writer and as a woman. I can say without hesitation that yes. It was definitely worth it!
To answer the second part of your question, I’ve always struggled with time management. If I knew how to effectively organize my time - and exercise more discipline - this would have helped a lot.
Who or what inspires you?
People in general inspire me. Whether it’s hearing a moving testimony or just witnessing someone’s positive outlook on life, I find inspiration to be a better person by various people I meet. A good message from my pastor, a pep talk from a friend, or a song I hear on the radio. Inspiration is everywhere. All that’s required is a heart to receive it.
Where do you do most of your writing?
In my comfy recliner. Although, I do like to escape to Biggby, a local coffee shop, and write there. I find that getting away from home, does wonders to spark my creativity.
If we followed you around for a day, what would be the biggest surprise we would discover?
How much time I waste. And how much junk I eat. Shhhh.....
What is one thing you don’t want us to know about you.
What is one thing you don’t want us to know about you.
If I don’t want you to know, why on earth would I tell you?
Knowing what you do now, what would you do differently if you were just starting your writing career?
I would sit my butt in the chair and write more. I think of how many words -how many books - I could have written by now if I’d only exercised more discipline. Time goes so quickly. I’d take advantage of every moment. That’s something I’m striving to do today.
What do you think is the biggest mistake new writers make?
We’ve all heard, “Show, don’t tell.” New writers seem to struggle most with this. Fortunately, it’s something that’s not too difficult to learn. It’s just a matter of studying the craft and practicing like crazy.
What are your top 5 “must dos” to be a successful author?
1. Develop a platform. Marketing and networking are important for fiction and non-fiction authors.
2. Put on your Patience Hat. Getting published is a long and tedious process.
3. Thank God for small accomplishments. Each one is taking you closer to your big dream.
4. Study up! Learn everything you can about the craft of writing. And find good critique partners who can help you grow.
5. Sit in that chair and write!
1. Develop a platform. Marketing and networking are important for fiction and non-fiction authors.
2. Put on your Patience Hat. Getting published is a long and tedious process.
3. Thank God for small accomplishments. Each one is taking you closer to your big dream.
4. Study up! Learn everything you can about the craft of writing. And find good critique partners who can help you grow.
5. Sit in that chair and write!
Take a moment to brag about your family:
I’ve been married to Rob for over twenty-three years. He works for a dairy company (yes, that means free ice cream sometimes!) and is an all-around great guy. We have two teenagers, who both inherited my creative gene. Zach is almost 18 and will be graduating from high school this year. He will be going into film – editing and directing – and he’s also a talented artist. My daughter Lyndsey is a freshman and plays the cymbals in the high school marching band drum line. She loves to read and is an excellent photographer.
Well, friends, there you have it, some great hard earned advice and information that should help us all on our writing journey.
Stop at your local bookstore today and get a copy for yourself and pick up an extra as a great Christmas gift for someone special on your gift list.
If you happen to be in the Grandville, Michigan area, today Lynda will be signing her books at the Word Shop. This is the bookstore inside Res Life Church, 5100 Ivanrest, Grandville; MI. Lynda will be there 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM with great giveaways, refreshments and 20% off her book. Swing by and join the fun.