Fornication in the Field

Well, I’ve debated on whether to post this or not, but here’s to a bare all, transparent, honest look into our lives here on the farm.

So, to start the year a bare all is what you are gonna get.
The other night a car was spotted in our corn field. It was dark and it was just off the road a bit.

One of the sons (I will keep everyone anonymous in this one) finally decided to check it out.
He pulled up beside the car and all the windows were completely fogged up.

So, he pulled around and faced the car head on with his lights on. And what a sight he saw.
Let’s just say there were a few bare arms, legs and other extremities illuminated.

The male half of the tryst scrambled into his clothes. He awkwardly approached my son’s truck.
Son opened the door and asked “So, what are you doing out here in the field?”

The totally embarrassed young man replied “You know what I was doing.”
Son questioned him a little more and the young man asked “Who are you?”

Son explained “I own this field and I would appreciate it if you would leave and never come back.”
The young man nodded and reached his hand out to shake my son’s hand.

“I’m not shaking your hand!”
Bloggers note: I thought it would be best if this was a picture free post.

Sharing my Space

Another Christmas Photo Opportunity