Are the Feral Findings Fair?

This past Wednesday, May 9 on my radio program Random Ramblings of, at WHTC in Holland, MI, I spoke about the fairly new Invasive Species Order that DNR issued in 2010. It went into effect on April 1.

While I am no expert and do not raise any breed of swine, I feel a connection to farmers. For those of you who might not know, I am a dairy farmer. I have read several articles concerning this issue and my personal belief is that once again the government officials are overstepping their boundaries.

On the program, I presented different sources of information in hopes that the public would be made aware of what is happening and to create some interest.

I have included several links for you to read yourself.

It appears there has been over aggressive moves by the DNR. The DNR needs to be held accountable to their job description and stay out of the agricultural world.

Please take a few minutes to read these links. What was perfectly fine and legal for several years has now succumbed to the DNR picking and choosing which animal is deemed feral.

Action Alert

Michigan DNR moves to Destroy Farmer’s Livelihood

As you can see you can find many places to visit on the web to gather information.

The non-farming community needs to see and hear the challenges farmers face day to day. Ultimately, this affects everyone. Farmers feed America. 

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