Around the World - Kind of Corny

Thought you might enjoy a few facts about our corn planting this year and the God we serve.
This year the corn planter was high tech.

This year we planted 651 acres of corn.

640 acres of corn equals one square mile. So, I am using this as a measuring stick.

We planted our corn in 30 inch rows with each seed six and one half inches apart. That square mile planted every six and one half inches adds up to 32,000 seeds per acre population. Take the 32,000 seeds per acre multiply by 640 acres and that equals 20.5 million seeds that we planted. This is about 260 bags of corn.

Now, let’s take those 20.5 million seeds that were planted six and one half inches apart and stretch them into one long line. That becomes 133 million inches of seeds planted. There are 63,360 inches in one mile, so the corn we planted in that square mile will stretch 2100 miles. In other words, from 49315 (Byron Center, MI where we live) to 90210 (Beverly Hills, CA).
This year our corn was 13 feet tall.

Here’s where around the world comes in. Let’s say that those stalks will grow to 7.5 feet tall when mature. We’ve had years where they were taller, but 7.5 feet is a good common number. When we lay those stalks end to end, they could circle the world.

And, this information is only from our farm. Our farm is not a huge farm either.

Corn yields have increased 125% since 1950.

Okay, if you weren’t impressed yet, you should be after reading this.

Each seed produces a stalk which will have one to two ears of corn.

Each ear of corn has an average of 600 kernels.

So, if you take our 20.5 million seeds that were planted and if each stalk only produced one ear each that would result in twelve billion three hundred million kernels of corn in that one square mile. I’d say that is quite a grand increase.

Who else but God can create such a thing? Drop a kernel of corn in the ground. Smother it with dirt. It basically dies, sprouts, grows and increases 600 – 1200%.
God definitely knows how to do increase.


June - A Dairy Delicious Month!