In case you haven't seen the last 59 times I posted the cover of my book, here it is again.
A few years ago, as I was swinging one of my grandbabies, I was having a conversation with God. I asked him if there was something really big I could do. I felt he answered me with: "Diane, every single day I give you something big and you really don't pay attention. You don't need big and grand, pay attention to the everday things I bring you. Celebrate the Ordinary."
I had a good friend paint this above my kitchen window. It's a daily reminder. |
That little blurb "Celebrate the Ordinary" changed my way of thinking and has stuck with me. It changed things enough that I wrote my first book - 101 Ways to Celebrate the Ordinary.
So, with the new site coming: I will have a tab that is labeled "Daily Ordinary". I will do my best to drop in a daily suggestion to pay attention to and to celebrate.
It wasn't until after my book was published that I found this verse:
Psalm 68:19
Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation! Selah