People keep asking me “How are you guys doing? How are your crops?”
“How are the crops”?
The crops stink. They are a sad excuse for foliage. There is a saying about corn – it should be knee high by the fourth of July. It’s July 25 and knee high would be tall for some of what we have.
Harvesting our hayfields is probably costing us money. The field across from our house had 27 wagons full of chopped hay the first cutting. The second cutting we had 18 wagons full and this last cutting we had six. Six lousy wagons full. Consider that you have to run the same machinery with six wagons as you do with 27, well you get the picture.
So, this whole no rain thing is tiring. Then you add the heat. Our BEBs (brown eyed bossies) are laying in the alleys with their tongues hanging out panting like dogs. Cows aren’t supposed to pant. The production was down 10,000 pounds a day for a few days.
The future cost of feed is expected to sky rocket. Something for us to look forward to.
Last year's hay. |
So, “how are we doing”?
We are steadfast.
stead·fast also sted·fast
1. Fixed or unchanging; steady.
2. Firmly loyal or constant; unswerving.
As Farmers, this is part of the package. There are good years, bad years, decent years and horrible years. Yet, we continue. We are doing all we can. We have planted, cultivated, weeded and seeded. We have done every single thing we can. We have spent 16 hour days to achieve it. We have tried to make good decisions on purchasing seed and selling our milk. We compare prices for veterinary supplies. We have been diligent in our work. And, we have prayed over every aspect of our business.
We stand against the drought. We stand against the short feed supply. In fact, just today we met with our nutritionist to try to come up with alternative feed.
We stand when we want to give up. Some Farmers have had to make tough decisions and decrease their herds or even go out of business.
The difference for us and some of the Farmers is that we never, ever stand alone.
The fact is that we are just the care givers and the land tillers. The land, the fields, the crops, the critters, they all belong to God. We have the pleasure of watching his miracles daily in what we do.
So, we do what we can and ultimately it’s God’s business how this turns out. Once you get that figured out, you can quit your stewing, worrying and fretting. It serves no purpose.
We’ve been standing with God in this business as a family for over 100 years and God has never left us standing alone. He has never left us empty handed. Every need has been supplied.
I am confident this year will be no different.
Last year's corn. |
So, the next time you see me and you ask “How are you”? You should be ready for my reply.
"So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only GOD, who makes things GROW" Corinthians 3:7
Last year's harvest. We will not lack this year. |