One of my jobs on the farm is to supply as many needs as possible.
I run for parts, pick-up and deliver people and things to various fields.
Transporting food to various pieces of equipment is common.
I’ve delivered pizzas, burgers, sandwiches and more to three different counties.
One fourth of July I served hot dogs and all the fixens from the back of a pick-up truck in the middle of an alfalfa field.
Another way I try to equip the guys is to keep the fridges in the garage filled with drinks and the freezers full of cookies. Just about anyone who has worked for us knows it’s available.
Now the wigglies are getting into the action and I see evidence of their involvement. Just yesterday I found three empty cookie containers in the freezer.
With harvest coming up I stocked the fridge and it’s ready to go. We’ve all been trying to be a bit healthier so the drinks have been reflecting that.
Another drink we’ve had is chocolate milk – the best. It’s not as easy to let a carton of milk ride around in tractor cabs for an hour and still taste good, but there is always milk in our fridge.
As I was loading the water into the fridge, the thought “Gee, this is so much easier without the coyote in here” crossed my mind. For some reason that doesn’t seem normal.
So. . . what’s in your fridge?