My Sunday Morning Stroll

I just came off a busy, stress filled week and needed my God Prozac and headed to the barn this morning.

I can not begin to express my gratitude for where God plopped me. Even though there are issues with people, finances and relationships at times in my life, the one constant blessing is my ability to walk the ground God gave me, feel his presence and know that I will survive.

Here are a few "blessings" God gave me to enjoy this morning.

A sweet BEBette.

He looks a little ornery up close.

Early morning stroll.

This is an old foundation from one of the original barns that Farmer's grandparents had. I walk by this frequently and wonder what was it like to live here back then. This had an old stanchion barn in the bottom that previously housed their horses before they used tractors. When I arrived it was a calf barn. Now it has been torn down and rebuilt behind Son #2's home.

These were two of the first silos on the farm. They are still standing but not operational.

The old in the shadow of the new.

A newby with an orange mark on her. This shows she has had her first colostrum.

My BEBs heading back to their stalls after milking.

The commodity barn filled with different feeds. I wonder what this fall and winter will bring with the poor crops this year.

Even the annoying birds are a comfort.

I can never capture a good picture of this tree. I love walking underneath it.

On Sundays there is a special peacefulness to the farm. We only do what we have to on Sundays, which is feeding, milking and taking care of any breakdowns that need attention.

An old building that is a storage space now.

My BEBs all eating their breakfast. I love the way the sun shines through the roof.

By the time I was returning home this morning I was so overwhelmed with gratefulness for what God has given me I was in tears.
When I walked past this hay field I just wanted to lay down and embrace it.

Army Sgt. Louis Torres - Honor the Fallen -

Daily Ordinary for August 26, 2012