PJs, Popcorn and Pancakes

“Grama, when is our sleepover”? One of the wigglies asked two minutes after that last person left the family reunion.

I told the kids that after the family reunion was done, we would plan a sleep over. I was hoping to get a few days to myself to recoup, but they had other ideas.

So, two days after the reunion was our day for the sleepover.

They came around supper time. I learned that it’s OK to do easy. Especially after a couple of extremely busy weeks. So the easy came in as hotdogs and mac and cheese from a box for supper. It was their kind of food.

Swimming came next. Watching six wigglies bob up and down like toy ships lost at sea was enough to invite a migraine for the sleepover. After they were sufficiently cooled to the teeth chattering, blue lipped stage they climbed out of the pool.

Then the claiming the spaces began.
The three younger slept here in the living room.

The three younger were going to sleep in the living room while the older three would bunk down in the family room. The reason they were separated is that a movie is put in around 9:30 or 10:00 and when the movie is finished, lights out. Then there is the one hour of threatening to take them home if they don’t settle down and go to sleep.
Big boys bunked here.

At the last sleepover the biggest challenge to find a movie that all ages would watch was epic. No more, divide and conquer was my plan.

Before the movies were plugged in, the older boys played Wii and the three younger painted bird houses. Unfortunately, I did not have three of the same houses. I had six houses and only two alike. What a dilemma, sorting out who got what house. But we persevered and a compromise was made.

Time for PJs for those who wear them, which would be whittled down to the two wiggliettes.

Popcorn was popped while the movies got started. I think they munched through eight bags of popcorn. Swimming, bird house painting and messing around at Grama’s in general makes a wigglie hungry.

Movies ended, the threatening began and all was quiet finally around midnight.

Per usual, chocolate chip pancakes were ordered for breakfast. I always make sure we have eggs and bacon too. I feel less guilty if I add a little protein to the menu.
Yep, coffee in the morning - I'm Grama, I can do that.
An after breakfast swim was a must. So, they were all back in the pool before 9:00 AM.

May I share a word with you young moms? You may be reading this and think “of course you do this, you’re the Grama”. Let me love on you moms a minute.

You MUST make time to do these things with your kids.

I know there is laundry, bills to be paid, kids to keep out of the toilet and electrical plugs to guard. Cats need to be rescued from toilets and doors must be locked to keep the kids inside. I get it – I lived it.

If you do not take the time for these special memories, how will your children speak of you when they all gather later in life for family dinners or get together?

I love the fact my boys talk about the forts we made, playing in the snow at midnight, and the fact that their mom drove them places to go TPing.

Your wash won’t walk away, your bills will be there, and the cat can fend for himself.

You and your kids need the frivolous, non-productive breaks from life.

Love is multiplied with chocolate chip pancakes. Popcorn strewn from north to south in your home is seed dropped where memories grow.

So, get the blankets out, shove the furniture to the side and camp out in your living room. The rewards come two fold. Now and later.

Don’t busy yourself out of this treasure.

Daily Ordinary for August 6, 2012

Another Fallen Hero - Marine Gunnery Sgt Jonathan W. Gifford