The symbols of two of our greates freedoms. |
September 11. The date that changed America, the world and each and every one of us.
For some that date changed their lives permanently. They lost their fathers, brothers, mothers, sisters, husbands, wives, sons and on and on. They watched in horror as evil had its way.
Watching the towers cave, sending their family and friends into eternity is something a person will never recover. It will always be a part of their lives.
The terror spread to the Pentagon. What should be safer than the headquarters of the Department of Defense? Yet, it was vulnerable.
The plane that plowed into the field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania carried precious cargo that would never have the chance for one more “I love you.”
That day 19 terrorist from the Islamic militant group Al-Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 treasured souls.
Life would never be the same.
Many people turned to God. There was a huge upsurge in church attendance for a few weeks and then a funny thing happened.
According to the Encarta Dictionary complacency is defined as: self-satisfied and unaware of possible dangers. And that my friend is exactly what happened and is happening today.
We were a great nation under God.
Our foothold of that title has slowly slid away as we slip and slide down the road away from God.
We’ve taken God out of school, we’ve taken his commandments off the walls, and we have politically corrected ourselves to a position without the Creator of the universe having any place.
For a minute there after the attacks on 9-11 the one hope that sprang to mind was God. Somewhere in the recesses of our minds we remembered the God of our fathers, the hope and confidence in Him. We remembered the hymns that sang of our fortress in a time of need. We were all over God like frosting on a cupcake.
Then slowly, complacency became our bedfellows. We brought it to work, invited it to the dinner table and knowing it would be uncomfortable in church we just stopped going so as not to offend it.
Today we are eleven long years away from the tragedy that shook America. We will all watch the awful footage again and again throughout the day. We will remember those who are no longer with us. Some of us will pray for the families. It will be a somber day.
But, I’m afraid to say that within a day or so we will be side by side with complacency again. We will carry it around in our purses, buckle it in the backseat of the car and walk with it down the street.
Unless, we recognize our need for God. The God our country was founded on. The Creator of the universe. The God who gives life. The God who sustains life. And the God who takes life. There is no one on the face of the earth that can do anything, not even take a breath without God allowing it.
It’s time to invite God back into the schools, into your work, into your homes. It’s time to hang his commandments where we all will be reminded of how things work best.
It’s past time to kick complacency to the curb.
This is a pivotal year. Get out there and vote. Choose wisely.
And, on a personal note. That God that created the universe wants a personal relationship with you. If you want more information on how easily that can happen, e-mail me.
May God Bless America again.