I had/have the privilege of being one of the writers and
being on the leadership team for an awesome, amazing Christmas production at
our church.
The play is titled “How Christmas Saved the Grinch”. Last
year over 15,000 enjoyed the program and God totally infused himself and many
were saved and blessed.
Getting some love from the Big Green Guy. |
We are doing the play again and we had the first rehearsal
for this year on Monday, the 1st of October. So, I am living in two
worlds. I am immersed in the Grinch and anything Whoish for the next few months
while bouncing around on a chopper harvesting corn.
I find it peculiar that I am surrounded by the wonderful
aroma of pumpkin candles, pumpkin decorations and all things pumpkin while
listening to Christmas music and tweaking a scene or enhancing a story line.
It is difficult to live in the here and now when so much is
invested in a future event. I want to enjoy the beautiful colors God is
displaying. I want to experience the smells, tastes and feel of fall.
On the farm front we are about three fourths of the way done
with making corn silage. Corn silage is the whole stalk and corn chopped
together to make feed for the BEBs.
Once we have enough corn silage stored, we will start to
combine. We will be short of corn this year and will have to purchase high
moisture corn to make it through the year.
The weather this year was not corn friendly. It wasn’t
really friendly to anything that grew around here. All summer we’ve been
anticipating the fall harvest to see where we will sit when it comes to the
quantity and quality of feed we would harvest.
Neighboring fruit farmers have no crops. North of here a
fruit farmer had about 3% of his crop. Very sad situations.
So far, we’ve been pleasantly surprised with the quality of
the fields. We definitely will be short on corn and the fields could have been
much better. But, the bottom line is God did it again. He took the bad and made
some good out of it.
We did purchase crop insurance this year for the first time.
We still don’t know if any of it will kick in. We are leaving six rows in each
field (some fields have more than the six) for an insurance agent to come
examine and determine whether or not it is bad enough to collect. Also, we have
the policy where all the fields will be lumped together and then averaged out.
So, we have some really good fields and others that are pretty poor. Once
harvest is totally done, we will sift if all out and see what happens.
The trees are showing off big time and are doing a great
job. I can get lost in the beauty. I love walking through the harvested fields
back to the woods and wandering in, out and around all the treasures God
At night when the world quiets I find myself clearing the
few corn kernels out of my head and have the Grinch come barreling in to take
its place. And, in between it all, making meals to take to the fields, running
drinks and people place to place and the general hustle and bustle of life
keeps things interesting.
So I’m in two worlds. Walking through crunchy fall leaves
with the song “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” playing in my head. I think that
I can safely say that the confusion my body is experience due to this is the
main reason why I am not losing weight.