Because of Veterans - Repost from 2011

Today I get to go to work where I want to work, not to a government run workplace.

Today I get to worship my God of choice in the open. I can proclaim His name without retaliation.

Today I get to tell you whether or not I like the President of the United States. I can call him every bad name in the book and not be hauled away.

Today I get to carry a sign out side of any building stating my disagreement with the establishment of that business/government office. I can do it alone or have a group assemble.

Today I get to have as many children as I want. I am not monitored and coerced into having an abortion because I have fulfilled my quota.

Today I get to carry my pistol if I want. I can shoot you dead if you become a dangerous threat to me or my family.

Today I get to choose who stays in my home. No one in the government can impose upon me.

Today I get to have my business be my business. No one can come into my home and rifle through my personal belongings without getting a legal document stating they have the right.

Today I get to have a trial of my peers if I mess up. I am innocent until proven guilty.

Today I get to choose my government officials.

Today I get to read my Bible in public.

Today I MUST thank you veterans for protecting all our liberties.

Today I MUST thank you for your sacrifices and your precious blood that soaks our land.

Today I MUST thank you families of veterans for all the tears, fears and sorrows you experience.

Today I MUST thank you servicemen and women.

Today I MUST pray for your protection, wisdom, healing and your families.

Today I MUST thank God for each and everyone of you.

Considering I get to have my get tos everyday, Veterans Day should be each and every day.

Wigglies in the Woods

Real Heroes Don't Wear Capes - Update for Veterans Day