Pararde with Great Importance

Saturday was the Grand Rapids Christmas Parade and our church had a float in the parade for our Christmas production "How Christmas Saved the Grinch."

I had three of my Wigglies walk with me and they had a ball handing out candy and invitations.

We had a sleep over the night before and we started the day with pancakes and sausage before we put on make up and hair color.

Wigglie #1, #3 and #2 all ready to leave for the parade.

Me and Lynda Lee Shab are so excited to see our written work dance, sing, act and jump off the page.

Charlie the dog enjoyed the parade too.

Wigglie #1 spotted Grampa in the crowd.
Our who-wonderful director Mrs. B.

The Grinch with the Mayor of Grand Rapids.

Wigglie #2, the Grinch, Wigglie #3 and Wigglie #1.

The main cast.

A smidgen of Whoville townspeople.

Wigglie #1 on a Who Bike.
If you are within driving distance I would encourage you to come and see the production. The dates and times are December 8, 2:00PM and 6:00PM, December 9, 5:00 PM, December 15, 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM and December 16, 5:00 PM. Tickets are FREE.

We would love to have you join us.

The most precious part of the day was a a question Wigglie #2 had for me. The night before the parade I was telling them how much fun it would be and that we had to GIVE the candy, not throw the candy. We had invitations to hand out to the play too. I explained to them that when we invite the people to the play that those people just might come. And some of those who come just might learn about Jesus and get saved. And, that someday we might meet them in heaven and they would tell us that they got saved because of the invitation at the Christmas parade.

That thought stayed with that little wiggle. He asked me "Grama, when we hand them the invitation do we ask them if they want to come to the play or if they want to get saved?"

Oh, how I love that little boy.

For more information about "How Christmas Saved the Grinch" check out or call 616-534-4923.

Daily Ordinary for November 19, 2012

Daily Ordinary for November 18, 2012