When you are watching someone in their daily life and their
activities be careful to see them for who they are. Don’t view another’s
actions through your pre-set eyes. Your eyes may have been skewed to judgmental,
prejudice, jealousy, legalism or who knows what.
If you see someone excited and talking about a project or
accomplishment it doesn’t mean they are prideful or arrogant. Could it be that
they are just so flippin excited about it that they are overzealous?
I remember watching someone dance around and thought; well I
just had some ridiculous thoughts. I got to know that person and realized they
were so full of joy that it had to come out somehow.
Some of us have been taught to be humble, falsely. To be so
humble that we act and speak like we have no talents, we are so inadequate that
we should never mention a deed we’ve accomplished.
Some of us have been taught that to say “I did that” is
prideful. And being prideful is sinful.
Some of us have been taught to never take praise lest we
fall into thinking we might be “someone.”
You ARE someone. You HAVE talent. You CONTAIN creativity. Be
it! Show it! Do it!
God scooped up a pile of dust, added countless miracles and
then formed you. He made you. You are a work of art from God. He then pinned us
to the cork board of life to show us off.
Psalm 139:14
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
Sing if you can sing. Dance if you can dance. Act if you can act. Do what God infused you with and do it well and with enthusiasm.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
Sing if you can sing. Dance if you can dance. Act if you can act. Do what God infused you with and do it well and with enthusiasm.
Don’t let those who stand back with their arms crossed
judging you to, trying to determine if you are “good” or “prideful” or whatever
wrong thing they think deter you.
And if you are the one with the X-ray eyes watching others
determining in your own mind be careful. You need to wash your eyeballs off and
see things as they are, not as you perceive.