60 and Counting

My oh my where has my lifetime gone? This will be my 60th year on this ball of mud. There I said it. Why are we so weird about our age? I certainly don’t feel that old, at least most days.

My years on this earth have been so blessed. So undeservedly blessed.

As this year starts many have resolutions, plans and goals. I’m trying to steer away from that path.

I’ve spent my life trying to “create, achieve, become and arrive”.

There’s really nothing wrong with that since one of the greatest sayings is “If you don’t know where you’re going then how will you know when you arrive?”

For me this year it’s going to be more about “trust”.

You can’t have trust if you don’t exercise faith. I want my faith legs to be the strongest part of my body. I want to know in my heart before I see with my eyes. I want to expect more than I dare and to prepare while I wait.

I want to hear the voice of God even if it directs me to the uncomfortable. And, when I hear it I want to trust it. I don’t want to waiver and question. I want to jump off the deep end of life with wild abandonment. I don’t want to fear the water rolling over my head. I don’t want to depend on feeling my feet on the ground.

I hope to be a different person a year from now. I hope to know God better, to be more comfortable in my skin, to encourage more, laugh more, pray harder and live larger. The difference this year is that I am not trying to do it myself and I hope it shows. I hope God shows through all I am and all I do.

Daily Ordinary for January 10, 2013

Daily Ordinary for January 9, 2013