My BEBS have tummy aches.
Yep, they are off a little which means a whole lot to us.
The milk production is down and that is not good. Not good
at all.
When the cow’s productions goes down we start investigating
right away for the source of the problem.
In my vast (insert sarcasm here) experience with cow
conditions most issues can be traced back their diet. We keep our herd healthy
with good feed mixes. And, if you keep all the puzzle pieces correct you can
avoid illness. Unlike people our BEBs don’t run to the med station for a pill
or shot to make them better. We are proactive with their health and continually
evaluate and formulate the best feed to keep them healthy and productive.
But, something is off. Production is way down and the BEBs
aren’t feeling well.
When the girls don’t feel well they don’t eat. When they don’t
eat, they can’t produce milk. One of the reasons for the BEBs to be off could
be from bad feed. Bad feed meaning not as high in nutrients as thought or the
storage of the feed lacked. The nutritionist is recreating new TMR – total mixed
Another source of concern is the water. Are they drinking enough?
If the water is dirty that could contribute. All the water troughs have been
checked. Also in the winter if the water is too cold the BEBs don’t want to
drink as much. They need the water to make milk.
Cows have bugs (microorganism) that help them digest their
feed. If the bugs get out of kilter digest is hampered. Thus, this could be
causing the tummy aches. And you think you feel bad when you have the flu?
These girls have four tummies.
We have added yeast to the diet. The reason for yeast is to
feed the bugs the girls need to digest the feed. Don’t get grossed out, we all
have bugs.
We are also feeding the very expensive OmniGen. The reason is molds
and mycotoxins are commonly found throughout the environment and occur in most feedstuffs,
including both forages and concentrates. Molds produce mycotoxins, which are poisons
produced by mold on feedstuffs when conditions are suitable (i.e. high moisture,
adequate substrate, suitable temperatures, adequate oxygen, and physical damage
to thecommodity).
Molds and mycotoxins have a
negative effect on animal performance:
Reduced feed intake and
Depressed nutrient absorption
and metabolism.
Suppressed immune system.
Increased mortality and
New research findings from
Oregon State University have established a link between the mold
Aspergillus fumigatus and
Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome (HBS).
OmniGen AF™ forms part of a nutritional
strategy to reduce mold and mycotoxin
I don’t remember
having any issues like this in the past.
While this isn’t
life threatening and doesn’t compromise the quality of our milk it does cause
great concern when we could possibly lose thousands of pounds of milk a day.
The dairy business doesn’t have much wiggle room.
If were only as
simple as dolling out Pepto Bismol to all the girls. Wow, how long would it
take to spoon feed the 700 girls in the barn? How many bottles would it take?
For now, we are
depending on the wisdom of our herdsman and the nutritionist to correct this
And it’s one more
issue to bring into my circle of prayer around the farm. God is no respecter of
living creatures. We are doing our best to take care of his critters.
New King James Version (NKJV)
10 For every beast of the forest is Mine,
And the cattle on a thousand hills.
11 I know all the birds of the mountains,
And the wild beasts of the field are Mine.
And the cattle on a thousand hills.
11 I know all the birds of the mountains,
And the wild beasts of the field are Mine.