We’ve been having a lot of shnowers around here. Snow showers. We have about two feet of snow on the ground and right now as I write this it has finally stopped snowing for a short time. We have snow in the forecast daily for the next six days.
A lot of my friends on Facebook have been whining and complaining about the snow.
I on the other hand love it. Especially when inside looking out.
Snow is amazing and I think it is one of the coolest things God made for us.
Here are some interesting facts about snow.
People buy more cakes, cookies and candy than any other food when a blizzard is in the forecast.
Qualifications for a blizzard are winds 35mph or more for at least three hours and visibility less than ¼ mile.
Snow is clear. The sunlight is absorbed and makes it look white. Other pollutants can color snow. In 2007 orange snow fell in Siberia and 2010, Russia had pink snow.
The largest snowstorm was in 1953 in Thompson Pass, Alaska with 187 inches in seven days.
All snowflakes have six sides.
The snow capital of the US is Stampede Pass in the state of Washington with an average of 430 inches each year.
A snowflake falls at a speed of 3.1 miles per hour.
In 1921, Silver Lake, Colorado had the greatest amount of snowfall in twenty four hours. 76 inches.
It takes one million droplets of liquid to make one snowflake.
An average snowflake is made up of 180 billion molecules of water.
A single snowstorm can dump more than 39 million tons of snow carrying the energy equivalent to 120 atomic bombs.
The largest amount of recorded snowfall in one year was 1140 inches in Mt. Baker ski area in Washington 1998-1999.
The US averages 105 snow storms a year.
One inch of rain would become 10 – 12 inches of snow.
And there you have a few facts.
Are you in the “love it”, “leave it” or “hate it” group of people?