On the 9th day God
looked down on his creation and said “this is good, but Farmer needs a helper”.
So God created a farm wife.
She needs to be able to rise
before dawn in order feed the farmer to start his day. To care for the kids, make her
house a home, run the farm office, teach Sunday School and Vacation Bible School during summer. She will make a meal for 10 extra field hands out of leftovers from
Sunday dinner. She can plan, cook and deliver meals to the field during harvest
without spilling a drop. The back of the pick-up doubles as her dining room on
God had to have her able to jump
in the tractor, feed calves, milk the cows while the kids are in school. Then
be dressed, pressed, powdered and perfumed for the school PTA meeting that
She will stay up late waiting for
Farmer to make it in from the fields. And, if he is late she will pull the kids
from bed and drive out to find him in the back twenty acres broken down trying
to fix the problem with the few tools in the cab. She grabs the flashlight leaves
the kids sleeping in the truck and acts as his extra hands.
She turns down a lunch date with
her girlfriend because the cows need the medicine from the vet and the part
they are waiting for is in at the implement dealer.
She checks the market prices and
helps make decisions on selling and buying.
God wanted her to teach her sons
to throw a ball, load a gun and change a flat tire when Farmer is too busy getting in that last load of hay.
She cries over a calf that doesn't survive birth, sits on the barn yard floor with the cow’s head in her lap
praying the good Lord will stop the bleeding and that her favorite cow will
Her cookies, cakes and crock pots
full of Bar-B-Q replenish the hired hands at the barn. Her extra garden produce lines the
table in the work room for the guys to take home.
God needed a medical assistant.
So she washes, sanitizes, medicates and wraps the cuts of those working for her.
The decision to go for stitches is hers. Her tools of the trade belong to man
and cows.
God needed a farm wife to referee
the kids, wrangle the mud covered dogs before they ran in the back door and scatter
feed to the chickens. She clucks over her own children and feeds them from the
Word of God.
God said, “I need a woman who is
strong enough to hold the gate while Farmer welds it yet gentle enough to
cradle the new born lamb. She will make a bed near her stove to keep the
fragile sheep alive”.
This woman will show no fear and
walk the fields in drought praying for rain with confidence. And when asked if
she is worried about the flood washing away her field she will smile and say
“No, not really. We’re just taking care of God’s land. It’s his to flourish at
his will.”
And after a stressful week when
the sons and Farmer collide with heated words and disagreements she gathers
them and all the family together around the Sunday dinner table and cultivates
love, laughter and harmony.
God knew what he needed. So God
created a farm wife.