Eating cookies is just as good in the winter as the summer. |
I love winter. And there’s been a lot of it lately.
I know there are some who would much rather have summer.
My brain started to do some comparisons and I know you can’t wait to hear.
I started by trying to determine whether it was easier to chase cows in the summer or winter.
These BEBs are not where they are supposed to be. |
In the summer it takes about 1 minute to work them into a slather and way less than that for me to “glisten”. They get out in that field of hay and kick up their feet and go full tilt. The heat makes me melt faster than a sno-cone on a sun beat sidewalk. We’re running around, arms out directing traffic and the BEBs barrel straight for you, yet skid to a dead halt before turning and running the opposite direction.
In the winter the extra layers of insulation make you slog down a few mph. Within minutes you’ve frozen your lungs while sweating like a stuffed sausage due to the extra clothing that seemed like a good idea a few minutes before. It’s impossible to “run” through knee deep snow. You sort of hop, skip and plop. Meanwhile the BEBs are slipping and sliding and when they head your direction you have a heartbeat of time to move out of their way because they forgot to put their chains on and they have no traction.
A few other comparisons:
In the summer you shower more often. Just about everything you do creates sweat, dust or dirt. Hair and make-up are seldom accomplished when you head for the fields.
In the winter you soak more often. It’s just plain cold and a good hot bath warms the best.
In the summer the trucks and tractor fly in and out of the barn driveway. We’ve had to tell the milkman more than once to slow down.
In the winter Farmer has the distinct displeasure of towing the milk truck out, plowing a path to get people in to work and pulling total strangers out of ditches.
In the winter the back room is filled with soggy clothes, puddles of melted snow, and boots to trip over.
In the summer the piles of dirty clothes, shoes and boots get kicked out the door in order to shovel up the piles of dirt, feed and dried up poop.
In the winter everything is beautiful, white, glistening, diamond covered and looks so clean.
In the summer there are luscious greens of many hues that tantalizes.
In the winter the cold freezes your nose hairs but there is a distinct crisp smell to enjoy.
Summer time smells are sweet and heavenly. Fresh mown hay, nothing like it.
All my men watching a magic trick. |
This afternoon after dinner we made a bunch of cookies. I love being in the kitchen with my girls. |
Soups and crockpots line the kitchen counter in the winter. Sunday diners linger around the table with an extra cup of coffee while the wigglies make forts in the living room and scatter toys throughout the house.
One of the backporch swings. |
In the summer, the back porch grill smokes up and the slider is open more than not. Dinner is shorter in the summer because of the pool. The afternoons are spent on the pool deck swings with ice tea keeping our eyes on the wet wigglies.
Sleepovers of the wigglie kind are easier to manage in the winter yet much more chaotic and loud. For the most part everyone stays in with the exception of the older ones heading out to make snow forts. There is no floor visible during the sleep overs and popcorn usually decorates every room in the house. My busyness is contained to refilling popcorn bowls during the movie, reading a book, playing games or snuggling before bed.
In the summer sleepovers are marathons. Seven wigglies outside on bikes, in the sand box, on the swing, wanting to play in the rock pile. . . no wait, we want to go swimming . . .can we go to the barn? And hardly ever do all seven want to do the same thing. One more year and number eight will get in on this too.
Instead of wishing for warm weather when the snow is falling or complaining how hot it is in the middle of summer I am trying to enjoy the season God has given us. And I truly enjoy each and every season equally. I’m grateful God plopped me here in four season land.
So, do you have a season you prefer over another?