Minimal Monday 3-4-13 4 Legged Creatures Small

Pets are our extened family. Here are a few from this past year or so.

Charlie and Zeus took a road trip. Had us concerned because we couldn't find them. Not only were they filthy they stunk like bad creek water. Took a couple of baths to remedy.

A wigglie experiencing Bella's tongue.

Clayton II, Foo Foo and Fluffy. Foo Foo is the fluffy one and Fluffy is not.


Wigglie #2, Charlie and Son #2 bringing in the last load of corn.


Miss Bella


Zoey was with us for awhile and now she lives with another family that adores her.

This is Lamby. I called him Little BS - black sheep.

Bella, Charlie and Zeus at Christmas.

Foo Foo

This is our Labrador Pony that is in heaven now.

Cows, Cannula and Tupperware Radio Spot 2-27-13

Daily Ordinary for March 2, 2013