I really dislike Mother’s Day. Also, Father’s Day and Valentine’s Day. But, let’s just stick with Mother’s Day for now.
I dislike the fact that people need to be told to honor their Mother on this one special day.
It’s a great money making day for the gift shops and card companies.
Mother’s Day is a hard day for many to endure. I almost think there are more people who are upset than are delighted with the holiday.
Think about it. It’s a reminder for those whose mothers have passed away that she’s not with them any longer. Losing a mother is a hard thing to get over and year after year it can be hard to be reminded that yours in no longer here.
It’s also a reminder to those who aren’t able to be a mother. How hard is it day after day not having that child to hold and seeing people all around them having what they long to have. Then to add insult to injury there is a holiday to rub it in. To see the commercials and crave to have a child is unbearable. It’s just one more way to reinforce their lack.
Then, there are the mothers who have lost a child. Some before they were even able to hold in their arms. Their hopes and dreams are washed away with their tears.
Single moms and mothers with inconsiderate mates can feel left out when all the other moms are receiving flowers and gifts and they are left empty handed.
Personally, as a young mother I always felt pressured and didn’t think I measured up when comparing myself to all the accolades thrown around on that holiday.
TV, radio, newspaper ads bombard us with the perfect “mother scenario”. Ever see a Mother’s Day commercial portraying a mother who lost it and is yelling at their children? A mother who couldn’t get the birthday cake frosted without it looking like a lump of clay? A mother in sweat pants, no makeup, dried food on her shoulder and hair sticking out on one side? Nothing less than perfect is portrayed.
With all the advertising now a days it is nigh to impossible to get away from reminders.
Here’s the deal. Daily, we should show appreciation to our mothers – to each other in general. Flowers, cards, gifts, encouraging words or a hug around the neck on any given day are more treasured than the ones delivered when the calendars prompts.
Yes, I will honor my Mother and my daughters-in-law this Sunday. But, all year long I shower them with gifts and words of love and appreciation.
Go ahead, join the masses on Mother’s Day but for crying out loud, don’t think you’re done for a year.
We never know what tomorrow will bring. Make sure you appreciate what’s right in front of you each day.