They call me Mom. I call me Blessed. |
I post twice a month on a wonderful Blog site called The Barn Door -
I totally forgot to post on the 4th. Hold on – gotta go grab Farmer from the field.
I totally forgot to post on the 4th. Hold on – gotta go grab Farmer from the field.
OK I’m back. And that is probably why I forgot to post on the 4th.
The last two days has been ridiculous.
Yesterday I had physical therapy in the morning for my neck – been having headaches. Farmer called me and asked me to pick up large gallon sized zip locked bags. Did that.
I stopped at the bank on the way home. Was almost home when Farmer called again and asked me to go pick up one of the farm computers. It was being repaired.
After I nabbed it, I dropped it off at the farm office and went in to run the payroll report. Well the printer ran out of paper. No problem. I would add to it and finish the job. Didn’t work. So I called Son #3 our IT guy.
“You can’t let the printer run out of paper. Now you have to shut the computer down and then start it back up. BUT, you can’t shut it down until 12:20 when they are washing the parlor. The BEBs come in and the computer reads their ankle bracelets and stores a lot of info. I had to wait until the BEBs were done being milked. So, payroll was put on hold and I came home.
I decided to mow down the road at the house where our intern from Michigan State is staying. She’s living and working on our farm until the first part of August.
I stopped at the parlor when I was done and finished the payroll report.
Back at home I started to “do” payroll which is a whole ‘nother story for a whole ‘nother time.
Another phone call from the farm. Can you take these feed samples to UPS? Gotta get there before they close.
I dropped everything and delivered a bag of feed to the UPS store. I didn’t bother to explain what it was.
When I came home it was time to get ready to go to church. Joyce Meyer was having a conference and I had to work at the book store. It was great. I felt normal, until I got three more phone calls to bring this or that and I reminded them for the 789th time I wasn’t home.
It was a late evening and I had to get up early to deliver our intern to another farm.
As I dragged myself out of bed this morning and was trying to get presentable, Farmer said “Oh, you don’t need to take Casey today. They are going to pick her up.”
I was so close to causing bodily harm it wasn’t funny.
I started working on payroll again. Then I realized I had to mow my lawn and my son – he’s having back issues. I decided I better get it done before my daughter-in-law needed it for the farm. We share the mower. So I did mine and his and finished just in time to go to the chiropractor. It felt good to get things back in place.
I stopped at Sam’s on the way home for a couple of things. $230.00 later I headed home.
Farmer met me at the door. “How nice and helpful” I thought.
“You gotta go to the mill and get yeast and feed. I have to get back out in the field. And, you have to take my good truck.”
“Crap” I thought. First of all I was soooo tired. I just wanted a 10 minute nap. But, nooooo they were waiting for the stuff. Secondly, I hate driving his truck. He treats it better than me and I just know there’s going to be an incident one day and it won’t be pretty.
I picked up and delivered the feed and went back home to finish payroll.
Finally payroll was done. I delivered the checks to the barn and spoke to my daughter-in-law who normally mows the lawn. She had been in the field so I started mowing the lawn at the barn for her. We have about 6 acres all told. She will be gone tomorrow so I will finish it tomorrow. I was heading home from the farm and I called Farmer to see if he needed anything. Yes, food.
Another delivery and now it is 9:00 PM and I am home. I am sort of waiting for that phone call to pick Farmer up yet tonight.
Hoping to get this done so I can have flowers this year. We shall see. |
My kitchen looks like a Sam’s display room, the laundry is crawling out the door, my back porch is a poor example of a flower nursery (with sick plants), the window box by our side door has been demolished and there is brick debris scattered, the pool is open but full of algae, but our weed garden is flourishing.
This is Phil and Kay in our pool. I love Duck Dynasty, hence the names. |
Oh, I almost forgot. I am trying to raise 5 duck eggs. Miss Kay came and laid the eggs under the playroom window and then she and Phil took off.
Why am I telling you all of this? Because I am too tired to be creative and write a clever blog. And, I had pictures to go with this. Plain and simple. I am one tired farm wife.
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