Sale Barn

Farmer called and asked if I wanted to go to the sale barn with him.

I figured I guess that could qualify for a date. And, a date it was. A hot date. No air conditioning in the truck. I had been working outside before that so I wasn’t as “attractive” as I could have been. After the ride I was also hot and sweaty and prayed I wouldn’t see anyone I knew.

We arrived early and unloaded 5 cows. We were selling the cows because they weren’t producing enough. We only have so much room and this is a business we are running so the ones that don’t produce well enough are sold.

There were a lot of trucks and trailers that day.

Before we arrived they had auctioned off hay.

These are the main bidders.

These little guys along with their mama went home with a couple of very happy kids.

The smaller animals are auctioned off first. The goats, lambs and feeder cattle.

After that the cows and the rest go through.

I went in the back to take a few pictures to show that this auction house does an excellent job with the animals. They are not over crowed. The handlers are gentle and kind.

I know this can be a touchy subject for some. And I was thinking about how to write this without offending those who are against slaughtering animals for food.

I happened to look down and saw this T-shirt. And, there is the answer.

Daily Ordinary for May 10, 2013

Daily Ordinary for May 9, 2013