Dairy Month Recipe - Poor Man's Pie


The recipe for Poor Man's Pie came from Farmer's mom. It was called that because way back then the main supplies of milk, sugar and flour were pretty common in the pantry.

It may not be the prettiest pie, but it is delicious.

1 heaping C flour.

Add 1/2 C Crisco - I won't use any other shortening.

1/2 t salt.

Cut together with pastry cutter until crumbly.

Add about 3 - 4 T cold water and mix until it sticks together. You may need to add a few more Tablespoons of water. You want the mixture to just start sticking together.

Place on floured surface.

Roll out large enough to cover pie plate.

Turn the edges over and trim off excess. Then crimp the edges.

Pour 2 C milk into unbaked pie shell.

Mix 1 C sugar.

With 3 T flour.

Sprinkle over the milk.

Add dabs of butter.

Sprinkle with cinnamon.

Bake 375 for 40 minutes or so. This is a little tricky. The liquid will bubble. Keep it in the oven until the crust starts to get too brown. When you take it out it will be soupy. As it cools, it thickens.

Daily Ordinary for June 13, 2013

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