One of the benefits of blogging is being introduced to other
people and products.
One of the new companies (new to me) I was introduced to is
Standlee Hay
. They saw some of the pictures of horses I had on my blog and they contacted
me and asked if I would try their products and write about it.
I let them know the horses belonged to a friend who works
for us. Their reply , "No problem, would he try them”?
I received a gift card in the mail and gave the card to
Jesse and he purchased Purina Omolene 500 Competition, Producer's Pride Haystretcher and Premium Alfalfa Oat Cubes.
The thing about Jesse and his horse Kobe is that they
participate in the rodeo in the summer months. Kobe races and does calf roping.
And Kobe usually takes first place in both.
I asked Jesse if he ever used the products before. He said
yes. He doesn’t feed them in the winter months but starts them on it in the
spring and through the summer.
He said it makes a big difference in the horse’s strength,
stamina and speed. Kobe bulks up and is
raring to go.
I asked him if he would recommend the products and he said “yes,
I do to my friends”. Quite a few of his fellow rodeo buddies use these products
and believe there are great benefits.
Jesse's brother and his horse. |
I would recommend on his testimony that if you are fortunate
enough to have horses, (yes, I am whining because I want one and don’t have
one) that you give the Standlee products a try.
Other products that Standlee provide are: Timothy Hay
= Alfalfa Grass
= Alfalfa Pellets