What's RIGHT with our Young People These Days

Photo by Emily Diemer  www.emaleedee.com
Lately I’ve heard more than once, “What’s wrong with our young people these days?”

I’m not a news hound but I have heard of a few of the latest atrocities that have happened and I wonder the same.

But, I also know there is a flip side.

I want to introduce you to what’s RIGHT with our young people these days.

Photo by Emily Diemer  www.emaleedee.com

This is Rachel and Josh.

She is my niece and he is my freshly added to the family, nephew.

Rachel, while in high school, played soccer, was on the journalism staff and graduated high school with honors. She earned a full ride at Ferris State University in the nursing program where she gave up two summers to continue school in hopes to graduate in three years. She did that and more. She graduated summa cum laude, received two awards for top student in her nursing class, gave her time to a mission’s trip in Guatemala and wrote for the college newspaper while living life.

Rachel graduated 2 weeks before her wedding. So, while she crammed and studied her last year of school she also planned a glorious wedding.

To say she’s been busy is like saying manure stinks. (Sorry but my farm seems to enter into every discussion I have.)

Josh also graduated in the top of his class and is going to Pharmaceutical school. He works while in school at a local drug store. He has one more year rotation and then he is finished. He too took time for a mission’s trip that changed his life. He is always the first one to help someone in need is very organized and their wedding was so smoothly executed because of all his planning and preparations.

Here are two young people who have worked their tails off while serving the community. They improved themselves which benefited our society and will continue to in the future.

Rachel already has a surgical nursing job at a local hospital all ready for her to slide into when they return from their honeymoon.

These two young people have chosen to do the right and good things all along their journey. Yet, we don’t read about them in the news or see them splashed across the TV in the evenings. But they are out there. And many more like them.

Oh, and lest you say to yourselves “Josh and Rachel just had it so easy”, there’s more to the story.

A couple of years ago Josh lost his mom to cancer. She was healthy one day and the next went in and found out she needed a transplant. There was a lot of hope put in that transplant.

Josh and Rachel took such good care of her and Josh’s dad. They were there supporting in physical needs such as cleaning the house, cooking meals, running errands. And they were there holding hands, listening, praying and loving.

8 months after her diagnosis she was gone. When she passed into heaven they were both by her side.

Josh never had his Mother/Son dance at his wedding.

So, while Rachel and Josh have great things in their life they have had great losses.

That’s just part of life. They choose to use the loss and move forward. Rachel determined in her heart she would become someone who could help in the healing process.

Josh will do the same in his profession.

I hope you have someone in your life you could write about. They are out there. We just don’t hear about them.

Now you have.

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