Why do some people enjoy telling you why you can NOT do
Why do some rush in to tell you your inadequacies?
Why are people in such a hurry to kill your dreams and
squash your ideas?
I think it’s because of jealousy, lack of self-esteem, just
plain meanness and who knows what else.
Are they jealous because you have the guts to try something
new and they don’t? Are they too lazy to put in the work, yet wish they did
after they see your success?
Do they think so little of themselves that they have to drag
everyone else down to their level because they have no hope of moving forward?
Or are they plain and simply mean?
I am so sick and tired of listening to the naysayers. They
just can’t wait to interject their negativity in to the conversation and let
you know what’s wrong. As if anyone asked them or cares to hear them.
“You’re too young, too old, too big, too small. You don’t
have enough money or talent to make that happen. You don’t have the right name
behind you. You aren’t lucky enough for it to happen to you.”
As far as I’m concerned they are wasting oxygen and my time.
Yes, there will be some limitations. For instance, I will
never be a ballerina. I will never be a runway model. I will never be a
firefighter. I will never sing The Star Spangled
Banner at a ball game. (You should be thankful of that.)
But, don’t you think we all know our own boundaries that
were placed in us when we were born? As well as our own dreams and visions?
We don’t need help from Negative Ned or Naysayer Nellie to
pull us off track.
I have been choosing to politely ignore them. I walk away,
and I have determined I don’t have time for them in my life. Unless it’s
absolutely impossible I will not waste any of my resources on them.
I have two words for the Naysayers.
“Shut Up.”