When people find out where my farm is and which one it is
they generally say “Oh, you’re the one with all the silos.”
In the past we’ve been accused of being “rich” because we
have the silos. As if the blue tubes held money or something. It was almost like
we were doing something wrong because we had them.
We chose the Harvestore silos to store our feed because we
thought it worked well for us.
Anyway, this picture shows all of our Harvestores (14) and
our cement silos (3).
I thought I would help you understand what those represent.
The first thing is feed storage. These silos hold haylage,
cornlage, and shelled corn. They do not hold manure like a local newspaper
This is a breakdown of the silos and capacities:
Size of silo
Feed Stored
Wet wt. in tons
Dry matter in tons
20 X 60
Haylage -240
Cornlage -280
Haylage -280
Cornlage - 125
25 X 90
Haylage - 695
Cornlage -760
Cornlage -340
25 X 110
Haylage - 895
Cornlage -955
Haylage - 490
Cornlage -430
Size of silo
Feed Stored
20 X 80
545 tons
I did some very unscientific mathematics. If all the silos
were full of the same type (wet matter or dry matter) the weight would average
13,384 tons of wet matter and 7,175 tons of dry matter.
Every ounce of that food was “handled” by us one way or
another. By handling, this is what I mean.
We will start at harvest, forget the planting aspect. Each
field was mown (alfalfa), and chopped (alfalfa and cornlage) or shelled (corn).
The feed was blown into a wagon or dumped into a grain cart. The wagons and
carts were driven to the Harvestor silos and the feed was blown up the silo.
All 13,000 tons.
Now, let’s add the Ag bags to the mix. We do not have enough
silos to hold all the feed we need for our BEBs so we are now using Ag bags.
An Ag bag measures 12 ft. X 300 ft. We store cornlage and
haylage in the bags. The capacity of the bag is 2 tons per foot. We figure 270
of the 300 ft. hold feed while the other 30 feet is gathered up when closed. If
my math is correct then each Ag bag holds 540 tons of feed. We had 6 or 7 bags
last year.
It comes down to this – what you think you see – blue silos
= $$$ isn’t always what it actually is. For us blue silos = a whole lot of work
and feed for the BEBs.