Well, it does look like a big pillow. Son #4 waiting for empty wagons.
We do not have enough silos to hold all the feed we need for our BEBs so we are now using Ag bags.
We do not have enough silos to hold all the feed we need for our BEBs so we are now using Ag bags.
An Ag bag measures 12 ft. X 300 ft. We store cornlage and haylage in the bags. The capacity of the bag is 2 tons per foot. We figure 270 of the 300 ft. hold feed while the other 30 feet is gathered up when closed. If my math is correct then each Ag bag holds 540 tons of feed. We had 6 or 7 bags last year.
We have 12 full Ag bags this year, thus far.
This is the first time we've had a blow out.
This bag had some issues and well, it just blew.
So we had to fix it.
Good as new.
So, we were off and running again.
Until a wagon got a flat tire. Always something.
You can follow what's happening on a regular basis by joining us on FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/AFarmWife
We have 12 full Ag bags this year, thus far.
This is the first time we've had a blow out.
This bag had some issues and well, it just blew.
So we had to fix it.
Good as new.
So, we were off and running again.
Until a wagon got a flat tire. Always something.
You can follow what's happening on a regular basis by joining us on FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/AFarmWife