Minimal Monday - 10-14-13 Storage When, Then and Now

One of the oldest silos that we don't use. The Harvestore behind it was built in the 1990s. I just love this picture. It shows the original milk house with a wall of the first barn from years and years ago. I wish I could walk through the door and have a movie of what took place there when it was the happening milk house.

Just too cute not to add.

These were constructed from 1978 - the first one on the left and the final one was erected 2004.

The first five from the left were originally 65 feet high and were built many years ago as time went on. When we added onto the farm buildings around 2003 -  2005 these were taken down, a new roof exchanged and built to a height of 80 feet.

Army Spc. Angel L. Lopez - Honor the Fallen -

Farm Fact Friday 10-10-13