Noise. Noise. Noise.
There is so much.
And, not just the kind you hear.
The noise of busyness.
Get the house decorated to a tee – you never know when a bestselling
magazine will arrive at your door for a picture.
Your fridge needs to be loaded with all kinds of goodies. Be
sure you make everyone’s favorite since their Christmas will be ruined without
Then you better be certain each gift is wrapped like a store
window. And, they all have to be equally done so as not to offend any gift
And, the gift. It has to be perfect. It has to have the “ohs,
ahs and I’ve always wanted this” upon opening.
The house may not have a speck of dust unless it’s Christmas
snow, then it’s OK as long as it’s in the proper place in the proper amount.
Then make sure you have your nails done, hair perfect and
wear your assorted new Christmas wardrobe. Certainly you can’t wear the same
thing twice.
Pictures. You have to have pictures. Be sure you post them
to Facebook so you’ll be the envy of all your friends.
Noise. Noise. Noise.
Now, I’m all for the above, but not to the extent of wearing
yourself out, snapping at the children who “mess up” something with their
little hands and lying in bed, sleepless,
worrying about finishing the last “to do” on your list.
Whether or not you believe Christmas is the birth of Jesus
and want to get back to the original reason or maybe you just want the whole
Christmas Spirit experience. We need to
strip the high expectation monkey off our backs and sit still. In the stillness
listen for God’s voice or think of the great memories from your past as a
child. I will bet the warmth that spreads over you comes from a personal touch,
not a perfectionist touch.
Purpose to quiet yourself.
Purpose to bring quiet and a personal touch to those in your
life - even, the cashier that is dealing with the crazies this time of year.
Here’s to stillness, peace, contemplation and joy.