You know how you can run into at least one annoying person in line at the bank drive through? Well, the other day I was that person.
I really dislike banking. Perhaps it is the lack of money that taints my taste.
I am a master at checking account manipulation.
I have three checking accounts. One is for our household bills and etc. The second one is "my" fun checkbook. That is where the pitiful amount of money I earn sits and waits to go forth and multiply. The third account is the one that waits in the background and is called upon to bail me out when one of the other accounts get so messed up I can't figure it out.
I let the offended account die a natural death and use the back up account that lies in waiting. Once the messed up one shapes up and keeps its balance for a couple of months I go back to using it. A simple, painless procedure.
We have a checking account that a loan payment is drawn. Referring to "a" loan payment for us on the farm is like referring to the Hoover Dam as a hunk of concrete in the desert. If the payment is drawn from the account we save a little on the interest rate. I hate it.
I have a hard time remembering to get the money into the checking account in time for the withdrawal. In my defense, spinning 27 plates, juggling 6 wigglies one handed and cooking for a herd of open mouthed predators, I get a bit distracted.
That is what happened. Between picking up the plates, setting down the wigglies and shoveling in the food I forgot to make the deposit in time. So, I was overdrawn.
I pulled up to the window and gave the nice, overly cheerful bank person my deposit. I asked if she could also take the payment out. She smiled "I'll be right with you."
One car pulled up behind me.
The teller took about 3 minutes to finish up with a person in the lobby and then came back to me.
Car number two is now in line.
She asked if I knew what the payment should be. "Crap" I thought. I remembered to write the loan number down, but forgot the payment amount.
"No problem she said as she started clicking and chasing the computer mouse around. Finally, she figured it out and said "You still don't have enough money in your account." After watching my chin hit the window ledge she explained that for every day you are overdrawn you get charged another $6.00 per day. My first thought was . . . well, I can't say. I then thought "Why you greedy institution. Hidden fees! "
Car numbers 3 and 4 were steaming behind me by now.
So, I pulled out another $30 (to save you the pain of arithmetic in your head - 5 days).
Finally, the gluttonous bank had enough.
I kept my head down so no one would recognize me as I left the bank.
The line of cars behind me had circled around to the front. That was when I got my "Ah Ha" moment and realized I was "the" annoying person in the drive through at the bank.
I really dislike banking. Perhaps it is the lack of money that taints my taste.
I am a master at checking account manipulation.
I have three checking accounts. One is for our household bills and etc. The second one is "my" fun checkbook. That is where the pitiful amount of money I earn sits and waits to go forth and multiply. The third account is the one that waits in the background and is called upon to bail me out when one of the other accounts get so messed up I can't figure it out.
I let the offended account die a natural death and use the back up account that lies in waiting. Once the messed up one shapes up and keeps its balance for a couple of months I go back to using it. A simple, painless procedure.
We have a checking account that a loan payment is drawn. Referring to "a" loan payment for us on the farm is like referring to the Hoover Dam as a hunk of concrete in the desert. If the payment is drawn from the account we save a little on the interest rate. I hate it.
I have a hard time remembering to get the money into the checking account in time for the withdrawal. In my defense, spinning 27 plates, juggling 6 wigglies one handed and cooking for a herd of open mouthed predators, I get a bit distracted.
That is what happened. Between picking up the plates, setting down the wigglies and shoveling in the food I forgot to make the deposit in time. So, I was overdrawn.
I pulled up to the window and gave the nice, overly cheerful bank person my deposit. I asked if she could also take the payment out. She smiled "I'll be right with you."
One car pulled up behind me.
The teller took about 3 minutes to finish up with a person in the lobby and then came back to me.
Car number two is now in line.
She asked if I knew what the payment should be. "Crap" I thought. I remembered to write the loan number down, but forgot the payment amount.
"No problem she said as she started clicking and chasing the computer mouse around. Finally, she figured it out and said "You still don't have enough money in your account." After watching my chin hit the window ledge she explained that for every day you are overdrawn you get charged another $6.00 per day. My first thought was . . . well, I can't say. I then thought "Why you greedy institution. Hidden fees! "
Car numbers 3 and 4 were steaming behind me by now.
So, I pulled out another $30 (to save you the pain of arithmetic in your head - 5 days).
Finally, the gluttonous bank had enough.
I kept my head down so no one would recognize me as I left the bank.
The line of cars behind me had circled around to the front. That was when I got my "Ah Ha" moment and realized I was "the" annoying person in the drive through at the bank.