Daily Ordinaries - Why? How? and When Did They Start?

Some of you may be wondering why the Daily Ordinary posts on A Farm Wife face book page and on A Farm Wife blog.

Some may think I joined the November “thankful” club.

Nope. I’ve been doing the Daily Ordinary for some time now and have over 260 Ordinaries posted.

So, how did it come about you ask?

Let me tell you.

About three years ago I was in one of my favorite place – my back porch swing with one of my favorite people – wigglie #6. As we were swinging and relaxing I was talking to God. I was a little unsettled. I have a hard time just “being”. I was chatting away and asked him “Lord, can you please send something really big for me. I want to do or be involved with something really big.”

And he answered me. I know some of you are rolling your eyes. I didn’t hear an audible voice but I heard his voice in my heart.

He said “Diane, - that’s how I know it’s him, he always calls me by name – I give you things every single day that you don’t appreciate. They are ordinary but they are precious and magnificent unrecognized by you. Celebrate the Ordinary.”

Ahhh. And there it was. God spoke such a powerful truth that has changed my life.

I could not get that phrase out of my mind. Celebrate the Ordinary.

As time went by I started writing down my ordinaries.

Then I added it to my blog. For a time I drifted away from it but missed it and came back.

I wrote a gift book called 101 Ways to Celebrate the Ordinary.

After I wrote the book and immersed myself in Ordinary celebrations I found a verse to back up what God gave me.

Psalm 68:19 NKJV

19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah

While this is very nice I think with my Celebrate the Ordinary makes it EXTRA Ordinary.
So much better. I smile every time I look at it and thank God for speaking it into my life.
When we remodeled our kitchen I knew I wanted it incorporated and asked a friend to paint it above my sink. I chose the fonts and she captured exactly the feeling I wanted with the art work.

Now that my Farm Wife face book page has grown, I have more and more people who enjoy the daily ordinaries and I even get some sharing theirs.

I love that more and more of us are realizing God’s good daily gifts.

I challenge you to look for Ordinaries to celebrate. It can change your whole outlook on life.

I would love you to share your ordinaries with me too. Send them to my message box on A Farm Wife face book page and I’ll post them with your name – unless you want to be anonymous.

It’s a great way to start your day, live your day and finish your day.

Celebrating the wonderful, glorious Ordinaries that God showers on us daily.


Minimal Monday 12-2-13 Indoor Snow

Daily Ordinary for December 1, 2013