It’s just my opinion but I believe successful people have an
attitude of yes.
Yes, I can.
Yes, it can be done.
Yes, I’ll find an answer.
Yes, I’ll help.
Think about it, would you rather spend time with an
agreeable “say yes” person or someone who always says “no”.
For some people no is a default. Even before you have the request
out of your mouth they are answering “no”.
If you choose to be a yes person, make sure your yes is yes –
follow through, do what you said you would do.
Especially with children I think we need to declare “yes”
more than “no”. When you really think about your no’s it’s usually because you
will be inconvenienced. The nos we state are selfish.
“No, you can’t go outside” – means no, I don’t want to deal
with the mess of boots, coats and etc.
“No, you can’t go swimming” – means no, I don’t want to stop
what I’m doing and pay attention to you.
Think of the memories they will have if you say yes to
making forts, taking walks, playing games, reading books, baking cookies. While
all of these activities will create work for you are making memories for and
with them.
If you build a bank of yeses it will make your nos uncommon.
I believe the more you say “yes” to your children, the more easily they will
respect your nos.
Obviously, there are times to say no. When it comes to
safety and wellbeing no is required.
On another note, saying “no” could be really saying “yes”.
Say no to the busy things – the unimportant things. Speaking
“no” to the urgent gives more time to reply yes to important issues.
Need help in saying “yes”?
Here is a start.
10 Things to Say “Yes” to:
Help from others. So often we want to help but
have a hard time receiving help. When we receive help from others, it blesses
them as well as us.
Lounging around all day in your PJs. I have to
admit the only time this happens for me is if I am deathly ill. I have a really
hard time with this, but time spent relaxing is beneficial.
New places, new people and new circumstances are
fearful but oh my goodness, the opportunities for growth is endless.
Vacations. Even a mini vacation is good for the
body and soul.
Spending time with the older generation is as
beneficial to them as to us. We can learn tremendous things if we would just
Volunteering. Nursing homes, Veterans,
hospitals. When you give of yourself there is a quiet joy that floods your
Purging. Get rid of all the clutter in your
life. We get so buried with unnecessary things – tangible and emotional.
Leaving dishes on the table after dinner. Sunday
dinners are here and the dishes stay put while we talk, laugh and carry on. The
dishes aren’t going anywhere but my family will.
Dessert before dinner. Every now and then enjoy
the good stuff first!
Quiet time. Some people totally freak out in a
quiet room. It’s so good to sit and listen. Listen to your surroundings, listen
to your heart and most importantly, listen to what God has to say.