Let's Play Nice Together

Why can’t we play nice together?

I constantly see videos and articles that slam the dairy industry and the food industry in general.  I can usually find information that falsifies their viewpoints. Also, I could spend hours each day defending my profession on countless web sites and face book pages.

But, I choose not. Oh, there are days when my buttons are pushed beyond the limit and I will comment.

There are also groups whose sole objective is to create panic and fear among consumers about the food supply. You shouldn’t drink milk, eat corn, red meat, pork and the list continues.

Cows, chickens and pigs are abused by most farmers they state. Seriously? Tell me why I would mistreat my livelihood source? Why do I give up vacations, weekends and holidays to care for animals I mistreat? Yet, the public believes.

I had one woman say she thought it was horrible that milk cows have machines attached to them. Totally cruel she said. She has no idea, yet she is certain it’s bad.

This is my question I’ve been asking for a long time.

Why can’t we all like what we want to like without degrading other people’s choices? Why must we make your product look bad in order to raise the value in ours?

An almond milk package touted it was better than dairy. Now, if it is so good why must they make something else inferior to boost their value?

There are enough people out there with different tastes, desires and needs that there is no reason why the variety of foods can’t stand alone without trying to bring down an industry while marketing yours.

I understand everyone is trying to make a buck, but people, check your emotions at the door when you see a video posted that shows mistreatment of animals with the sappy music behind. Make sure the latest study that blasts the value of the product is legit and not their aunt’s opinion. My goodness, we swallow everything we see and hear at face value. I am guilty also.

Since being on the side of misrepresentation I am working harder at learning the truth about statements thrown out there.

Right now there are a few restaurants which are using fear tactics to sell their products. And, it’s working.

I look at it like this.

We sit down together and order a pizza. We each add the items we want. The pizza comes to the table and you’ve added mushrooms. Do I throw a fit and create drama about how awful and worthless the mushrooms are? Nope. I just pick off the mushrooms and we eat in peace and harmony.

So, if I am producing milk or I like to eat steak, please keep quiet, drink your whatever kind of milk you want, eat whatever kind of food you want but don’t make our differences an issue.

As a dairy producer I am encouraging other food producers to be kind in responses to false articles and statements. We can politely point out the truth of our product without degrading. We can and should offer the truth when propaganda is spread. But let’s not lower ourselves when we respond.

Let’s play nice together.

Daily Ordinary for February 15, 2014

Daily Ordinary for February 14, 2014