This picture is my idea of a Valentine's gift. When we were remolding our kitchen, daughter-in-law #2 blessed us with this yummy treat. A gift from the heart.
As far as I am concerned Valentine’s Day is a money grubbing man-made holiday to line the pockets of savvy businesses that work on people’s emotions. Can you believe I wrote that?
Don’t get me wrong, I love getting flowers, candy and gifts. I just prefer they be given because the giver wanted to, not because the calendar said to. I’ve gotten candy and roses from Farmer on Valentine’s Day, but some of my favorite gifts have been the wild flowers he brought home from the barn. Sweet lilacs in the spring, Peonies and Wild Roses in the summer are what I prefer. Why? Because, as he walked towards them, he thought of me and took the time to bring them home.
Now, for you men, if you really want to give that lady of yours a treat, I have some home grown down to earth suggestions. Ladies, you’re on your own.
1. Put the toilet seat down.
2. Shut the cupboard doors.
3. Throw your dirty clothes in the proper place, not inches away.
4. Keep bodily noises and eruptions to a minimum.
5. Please don’t scratch in public.
6. Close your mouth when the pretty girl walks by.
7. No deep sighs and rolling of the eyes when you are shopping with her.
8. Go into the store when you go shopping with her. Waiting in the car doesn’t count.
9. A trip to the hardware store to pick up that part you need does not a date night make.
10. Just because you don’t care what you look like, doesn’t mean she feels that way – she’s the one looking at you.
11. Hair comb-overs are outdated, ridiculous and a traffic hazard.
12. Hair belongs on your head, not coming out of your ears or nose.
13. Toothpicks are to be used. They have a purpose and short life span. It is not your job to roll them around in your mouth and chew them to death.
14. If you get separated from your wife in public, use your cell phone to call her when you are ready to leave. A sharp shrill whistle should be reserved for the dog.
15. When in doubt, fall back on the roses and candy. At least she will have something to enjoy.