I may or may not have gotten this stuck in the mud a time or two. |
I’ve been accused of being the lawn mower Nazi.
While I was mowing today I pondered the reasoning behind that declaration.
But, before I get to the reasoning I would like to share with you my unenjoyable experience of lawn maintenance.
It was about 90 degrees and very windy today. I jumped on little JDG – John Deere Green with a purpose and a smile.
I was mowing the field where we place our ag bags. It has been mowed before but I was still on the lookout for rocks.
A week ago I had my nails done for my niece’s wedding and was hoping to extend the purty hands another week. . . until I had to dig around in the dirt picking up rocks. I’m not sure which I like least – the digging rocks out of the dirt barehanded or the wrath of a son for dulling the lawn mower blades. It seems when the blades go dull the fingers are automatically pointed towards me. For crying out loud there are four other people who use the dang machine.
I spent a lot of time getting on and off the mower. It was about 95 degrees.
And, the wind was blowing. The black tank top and shorts looked like they were camouflage by the time I was done.
I had enough dirt in my hair and eyes to start a small garden. I could have used the stones I picked up to make it a cute little rock garden.
I had sand between my teeth and bugs in my bra. And it was about 98 degrees.
In between the getting on and off, bending over and throwing rocks in a pile I pondered the Nazi statement.
Where did this all begin?
I thought back through all the years of lawn mowing and I realized it started when the kids were young, messy, unruly and dirt devils. I could never keep up with them in the clean house department. Everything I did became “undid” in a short time. The laundry, the house cleaning even feeding them never stayed done. I could never see any progress in my day.
Then, there came the lawn. The beautiful green grass that needed shortening.
I could actually see what I had accomplished and what needed to be finished. And behold! It stayed done for a few days. I had such a feeling of achievement that I became giddy.
I looked forward to the grass growing. And every time I heard a blade spring forth I knew my time was coming to whack that baby down.
My weekly mowing schedule soon became twice weekly. In fact, I wanted to mow everyday but motherhood just got in the way.
I figured this all out today while wiping the sweat from my brow at the same time picking up that last rock. It was about 100 degrees.
So, I guess I could blame the lawn mowing obsession on my kids. And it continues today with the wigglies in and out and messing up stuff. And Farmer. He’s a pro at cluttering.
Sometimes it just takes working hard, in the heat to figure out life’s important questions. Did I mention how hot it was?