Zeus and Charlie - son and father |
So this past week was spring break and many people hit the highways and slid south for fun and relaxation.
Even I got a mini break, but that’s not the point here.
My sister and I went to Florida for five days to visit our parents. We were at their beck and call and loved our time together. So, while it was a break it wasn’t lay in the sun, fun by the pool, shop ‘til you drop vacation time.
And to add to that, a whole lot of “crap” was happening at home.
Son #2 left the day after I did for Florida and his dog Charlie became ours for the 10 days he was gone.
Trixie our cat gets annoyed when any other four legged critter is taking up space in her castle. And to prove her point, she pooped and peed on the bedding in the guest bedroom.
Farmer, being Farmer did the only thing he knew to do. He picked everything up and dropped it out on the back porch where it waited four days for my return.
I returned Monday afternoon just in time to get sick. Virus, cold, sore throat, achy BLGHHHH.
A rare moment when they weren't fighting, pooping or peeing. |
Wednesday, Son #3 left for a trip to Texas and could we please watch Zeus – Charlie’s son while he was gone?
What the dog-hair? (instead of heck – get it?) Why not? If we got one, why not two?
Somewhere within that first day one, both dogs and/or the cat decided to pee on my bedroom floor and the corner of the comforter that was hanging off the edge of the bed.
I sopped, mopped, washed and rinsed to no avail. I decided to ignore it all until both dogs went home.
For the next several days certain activities happened such as:
Dog #1 and Dog #2 go out to pee.
Dog #2 pees on said bush.
Dog #1 pees where Dog #2 just peed
Dog #1 moves to another spot and pees
Dog # 2 sniffs it out and pees where Dog #1 just peed.
Dog #1 goes back to original spot where Dog #2 first peed and pees on it again for good measure.
Repeat this and poop breaks every 40 – 70 minutes throughout the day.
Dog #2 pees on said bush.
Dog #1 pees where Dog #2 just peed
Dog #1 moves to another spot and pees
Dog # 2 sniffs it out and pees where Dog #1 just peed.
Dog #1 goes back to original spot where Dog #2 first peed and pees on it again for good measure.
Repeat this and poop breaks every 40 – 70 minutes throughout the day.
Neither dog wanted to eat his own food and both had to have the same bone even though there was plenty to go around.
Zeus didn’t think his toys were enough and he stole a couple from the toy box. One being the stuffed cow that the wigglies used to play with, which became a sore spot between the dogs.
Son #2 retrieved his dog and we were down to one dog. One needy dog since he had no one to play with.
No problem, Son #2 came the next day to work in the office and brought Charlie with him. Charlie comes and visits us on a regular basis.
I decided I had to have a nap or I would crumple into a puddle on the floor. This virus thing really kicked the legs out from under me.
When I got up from my short 10 minute snooze I could hear Charlie and Zeus messing around in the back bathroom, mud room.
The first thing I noticed was blood on the floor by the toilet. Then blood on the toilet seat and in the toilet. As I was inspecting, the dogs got into a tuft again and Zeus shook his head and then wa-laa! Blood splatters all over my tile walls, the floor, the toilet, and me.
“Dang it! Get out of here you guys” I hollered as I opened the back door and kicked them out.
Apparently Charlie bit Zeus in the ear and it was bleeding all over everywhere.
I went back to start cleaning up the blood and walked into the hallway and more blood. I moved to the family room, more blood. And not just tiny spots but decent amounts. Now I am on my virus ladened, shaky, knees mopping up blood from three rooms and trying not to cuss under my breath. I looked at my furniture and carpet and could not find any blood – at least at that time.
All I thought was that for years I did this with the boys. Broke up fights and cleaned up their messes. Now, they are grown and gone and I am playing referee and janitor to their dogs while they are having “fun in the sun”.
Today I took my comforter into get dried cleaned and I will probably have to get the carpet cleaned.
So, to all you “empty nester” wanna bes. – Yes horrible English. Anyway it’s all a lie. There is no such thing as an empty nest. They come back. Wigglies come back and even critters come back.
And, I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Son #1's dog, Bella - mama. Son #2's dog Charlie - dad. Son #3's dog Zeus. |
By the way, there should be puppies again in a couple months if anyone is interested.