I feel like I straddle the proverbial fence when it comes to Mother’s Day.
I’ve blogged more than once how much I dislike this man made holiday.
Today, I want to address all the non-noticeable moms.
Many women would give anything to be called mother. To you who have tried and tried and have gone through all the resources you have and didn’t have. For all the pain and disappointment, turmoil and heartache and still have empty arms.
This is for you moms who never had the opportunity to hold your children. Your children were miscarried. All your hopes and dreams for those children died with your child. You were left with physical pain, emotional pain and confusing spiritual pain. And for some of you, this happened more than once and this is all you know. I am so sorry for your compounding pain.
This is also for you moms who have had that child for a time and then they were snatched away. Some unexpectedly, some over such a long time that death became a blessing. I can not imagine the pain of letting go of a child for the last time.
I think of the moms who have lost their sons and daughters in battle on foreign ground. I always think of Mary, the mother of Jesus when you cross my mind. She had a son that laid his life down for our benefit. And, while your son or daughter couldn’t pave the way to heaven for us, they did somewhat the same. They laid their lives down for us to have a better one. What a sacrifice. One that cannot be expounded on with mere words. To you mothers I want to wrap my arms around and say thank you, bless you, I love you, I pray for you regularly.
These hurts are why I think Mother’s Day is a horrible activity. I pray that each of you can conquer today without the hurt, heaviness and sadness that it usually brings. If not a total victory at least a reprieve.
But, I have to confess that I fall into the “shame” if I ignore this day completely.
I have a wonderful mother that I love and treasure. I call her and send her a gift on this day.
My three wonderful daughters-in-law receive a gift and dinner out.
And, I don’t do this just because I have to; I do it because I want to. But I do it all year round. I don’t like the idea that a day on the calendar creates guilt to propel me perform.
I have four adoring, great sons and will receive cards, flowers and gifts that I appreciate. But, I also relish in their kind words all year long and prefer their hugs and smiles. Their actions strengthen me.
So, I fall prey to the holiday and succumb to its activities. If I had my way it would be erased from the calendar. The pain it brings to others isn’t worth the few warm glows received on that day.