Hardly a day goes by without me messing up somewhere along the way.
The other day was a “bad day” on steroids. I was totally rude to a stranger that was at my home talking with my husband.
The minute I left, the guilt and heaviness settled on my shoulders and rode with me the whole day. I knew I needed to make amends. I struggled and fought against the condemning thoughts that were bombarding me.
It took me three days of trying to find his phone number to call and apologize.
He gave me grace. “No apology necessary” was his kind words. Apology was necessary. I wronged him, my husband and my Lord. An apology, no excuses, was given and received. The incident is history.
What is grace? Grace is a
disposition to be generous or helpful; goodwill to show mercy; clemency.
A favor rendered by one who need not do so.
In my life I have Grace Givers and Grave Diggers.
Obviously, you know what a Grace Giver is. The person I apologized to was a wonderful Grace Giver.
Grave Diggers are the people in your life that are always ready to point out what you did wrong. They relish in your pain when they’ve made sure you see what wrong you committed. Quite frequently, their conversations include “I would never; I can’t believe you would, what were you thinking?”
With every look and word they are sucking the life out of you. They are throwing another shovel full of dirt aside, making the hole you want to crawl into larger. They are taking a bad situation and making it worse. Their words and actions do very little to heal, encourage or help move you forward.
With their comments clanging in your ear as each shovel full of dirt is dug, it is hard to think your way to restoration.
How about you? Are you a giver or digger?
I have a framed embroidery that reads “Love me when I least deserve it because that’s when I need it the most.”
I think it’s time we all put our shovels down.