Come Home - A Lesson Learned from Face Book

My mom who is 83 is learning how to navigate face book on her new IPad. I love that she wants to learn and she’s doing a great job.

But. . . as she learns she gets into trouble now and then.

“Diane, how do I get back to where I was and I don’t know how I got here.”

My instruction to her which have helped tremendously is “When you’re lost, go home. Click on the home button and start over.”

Then I started thinking, or more likely God dropped the idea into my head – “What great advice. When you’ve lost your way or you are confused, come home. Come home to where you started, better yet, come home to me – see what I have to say about your situation.”

I have a friend who has completely gone off track. I ache in sorrow for the choices she is making. She’s so lost and confused because of a new relationship that she’s wandered away from her God, her family, her friends – everything that was of importance to her. She’s traded her life’s inheritance for a false prophet so to speak. I just want to shake her, wake her and tell her to come back home where we are all waiting with open arms.

I’ve watched leadership in churches try to mimic other ministries. I observed as they changed into a cookie cutter establishment and leave behind what made them unique to the community they served. Following the newest trend isn’t always the wisest choice. Go back home church. The basics of the gospel never grow old.

Mid-life crises drag people away from home and into the plastic surgeon’s office, import car show rooms, and clubs. Individuals close the door of home behind them seeking a better, younger, more exciting place because they’ve been sold a bill of lies that convince them they don’t have enough or aren’t enough. People – the surgery will sag, the cars will rust and the clubs will drain your pocket and your soul. Go home. At home you are loved, accepted and wanted. Life is ever changing and evolving. Learn to enjoy the seasons.

Finally, too many have walked away from God. Life has beaten them down, filled them with doubt and despair and made unrealistic demands on their performances. Life says “You screwed up. You’re not pretty, good, thin – fill in the blank – enough. What you did, thought, said is unforgivable. No one wants you. You are damaged goods. You are beyond fixing. You are worthless. The world would be better off without you.” It continues with lies such as “God is ashamed of you. God can’t help, heal or deliver you. God is dead. God is a fairy tale. God helps others not you. God left you a long time ago.”
I have two words. “Come home.”

God never changed his position or feelings for you. A perfect life has never been promised. A life with a greater power to walk with you, help you and hold you is a reasonable expectation.

For anyone reading this if you are lost, confused, can’t find the answer you want - Come Home.

Daily Ordinary for July 25, 2014

This Little Moo Piggy Went to the Foot Bath